
I’m a perfectionist.

I’m always pushing myself to improve through training, practice, and my own desire to be the best of the best.

I've always been around cameras, my Dad was a part time commercial photographer with his own darkroom he built in our backyard where we would develop and print our own photographs.

I had an interest in taking photos as a kid and I always had the best camera at school camp, a Ricoh 500G rangefinder. I have one in my collection to remind me of those days.

When I left school in year 10, I found myself an apprenticeship and worked as a maintenance fitter and welder until I entered a career in sales. I worked my way up, becoming a state sales manager for a welding supply wholesaler.

During the years in other industries I learnt how to make things as perfect as they can be and how to get along with all kinds of people. But none of this was enough. Something was missing. My fire wasn't lit.

In 2012, my wife Mylene bought me an entry level Canon DSLR so we could have some nice shots of the kids.

That simple gift gave me a voice. It gave me the chance to become what I believe I was created for.

I was able to make a difference.

She jokingly says she created a monster!

That camera was replaced by some better equipment and as I watched, listened, and read everything I could find about becoming a better photographer I practiced every single day until I was making the photographs I was picturing in my mind.

Like most people with a fancy camera I would get asked to shoot parties and families and other events. We decided that we would take the leap and see where this photography could take us. Fortunately people liked what I do and I'm now a full time professional Wedding, Boudoir, and Commercial photographer / videographer and I honestly couldn't stop doing this if I tried.